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Category: Article

Well-being… Energy Impacts and Stress… How to have the Conversation

One of the tougher challenges a leader faces today, especially if you are leading a transformation, and absolutely if you are an Intuitive Transformational Officer/Leader, is how to have a conversation which can include the concepts, affects, or impacts regarding energy and what is going on energetically within the people, team, and organization. What is…
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Are YOU ready for YOUR Energy Evolution?

When I say “energy” what comes to mind? Recently I have been in discussions on the topic of defining energy or how the word or term energy is being used.  The result was a trend, meaning if you have a faith-based value and belief system such as a religion you will most likely think from…
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Self-Realization is your Super Power

If I were to ask; “What is the best source for guidance and information regarding YOU,” what would you say? The answer I am seeking is YOU!  More specifically, your “inner self.”  To put a finer point on it, the guidance and information you get from the collective consciousness to your subconscious which is provided…
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Do YOU have the Courage & Commitment (2Cs) to be YOU?

Do YOU have the Courage & Commitment to be YOU? I ask this question because, this is what it is going to take for us as individuals to collectively turn things around.  How many of you are saying to yourself; “There has to be a better way?”  How many times a day do you or…
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How to focus on YOU

One of the most asked questions I receive is; “How are you able to be positive and move forward in today’s crazy insane world where the craziness and insanity seem to be doubling down and exponentially increasing?”  My answer is that I simply focus on what is best for me, my family, and those I…
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Are YOU focused on the “what” or the “how”?

Do you think and operate in the “what” or the “how”?  I have noticed in the past few months that this question is coming up more often and people are having an increased struggle as they wrestle with this question.  You may be asking why does this question come up?  Why would someone ask themselves…
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It Is “ok” To Ask For Help

How many times have you been going somewhere or doing something and you realize I am not sure if I am going in the right direction or doing this correctly, the thought comes into your mind to ask for help, but we DON’T ask for help, we forge ahead to figure it out on our…
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