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Believe in Yourself

Believe in Yourself

When was the last time you looked in the mirror and not only told yourself “You got this,” really meant it “AND” felt it from within the core of your heart, what I like to call your “heart of hearts?”

The most powerful tool you have in your toolbox is your mind.

From a TYIIR Part 1 & 2 (Individual & Team) perspective, the objective is for you to envision yourself achieving or accomplishing whatever it is you have in your mind and then feeling the conviction in the very center of your heart, that this will be done… that you will accomplish this. The intent is to set your focus on you, eliminate dependencies and break any codependences. Consider this as you are calling yourself to action, setting your determination and grit, taking the responsibility and accountably for getting “it” done. Notice there is nothing about being entitled or someone else owing it to you.

From a TYIIR Part 3 (Universal) perspective, you are building upon what was described above for a TYIIR Part 1 & 2 perspective by layering in or including energy. Unconditional Love is one of the most powerful energy-based emotions. When you feel the energy-based emotion of unconditional love in the very core of your heart, you are significantly amplifying your intent being sent into the environment around you (universe).

The reason for today’s meditative moment is that although this may seem like a simple thing to do, or common sense, in the heat of the moment when your feelings and emotions are triggered, this very simple way of thinking is overlooked, drowned out, or forgotten about.

A simple way that helps me remember to use this mindful tool is to tell and condition yourself that as soon as you are triggered, or your feelings and emotions start to escalate, to 1) stop, 2) check in, and 3) believe. For many of us we were taught as kids if your cloths catch on fire you 1) stop, 2) drop, and 3) roll. Same concept. As a matter of fact, you may find that thinking about that old fire drill routine from our childhood can be adapted to work for us here when our feelings or emotions fire up.

Hoping you are having a GREAT day and be in the moment!