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Are you a 3D or 5D Leader?

Are you a 3D or 5D Leader?

Do you consider yourself, or are you a 3D or 5D Leader?

As the universe is expanding and evolving around us, some refer to this as the veil between dimensions is thinning, all of us are going to have to make a choice between believing, thinking, and doing between 3D and 5D… what will be your choice?

From a TYIIR Part 1 & 2 (Individual & Team) perspective (3D), for several decades myself others utilizing TYIIR (Transforming Your Ideas Into Reality) have been training, coaching, mentoring, and leading by example how to be the best 3D (Third Dimensional) Leader you can be. We have a proven repeatable formula which has been tested through many leadership experiences across the world in various industries, markets, sizes and types of organizations. In 3D leadership the focus is on an individual, team, organization, geography…etc… which is self-serving or focused on its own ability to survive and compete.

From a TYIIR Part 3 (Universal) perspective (5D), for the past five (5) years, my view of the world we live in significantly changed, when my world was rocked to its very core. From this disorientation, I had to re-visit and evaluate my foundational values and beliefs in life along with what it meant to be a leader and how to lead. The result was an evolution that there is a higher purpose for leaders, and that is to lead from above the plane, what Dr. Ken Russell and I call lead from above the fray, from our book Transact, Transform, Transcend, Becoming a Thoughtful Leader: Stories from the Journey. In 5D leadership, the focus is on universal views/perspectives; example what is good for humanity, not just myself or my organization, my tribe, my ideology, my politics…etc. The 5D leader leads from the collective consciousness, the quantum field, source energy, universal energy in accordance with universal law.

Today’s meditative moment came from today’s morning meditation. Various visualizations and information came to mind as I asked the question; “How can I best help others become aware, be able to have the conversation and discuss what is and how to be the best 3D and 5D leader I can be?”

To summarize, the various types of leadership styles, how we have been leading for decades is considered 3D Leadership. We have become very good and have a proven formula for successful leadership as a transactional, transformational, servant, charismatic…etc. type of leader. We have evolved to focus on flowing value to our customer and elevated our leadership by leading by love from our heart. As a leader, we are positioned as providing leadership for our team, our organization, our ______. This is what is meant by self-serving.

However, in 5D leadership, the focus goes universal or very broad, so that while we are leading, the governance, morality, ethics, guidance… etc. whatever you want to call it, is based-on or grounded-in what is best for humanity as a whole, the world as a whole, the universe. In the books TYIIR and KIS, the term I use for a 5D leader is Intuitive Transformational Leader. In the book Transact, Transform, Transcend, Becoming a Thoughtful Leader: Stories from the Journey the term used for a 5D leader is Transcendent Leader.

In order to be able to lead at this 5D level, the leader, the individual must start from within their heart and soul… the very core of their being.

The challenge is that we have been so conditioned to think and do in 3D, that to entertain, be curious, be open to the idea of 5D, it may seem impossible to conceive of such a thing. Why? Because thinking, doing, and leading in 5D means we have to think and do, lead by values and beliefs which are opposite or oppose what and how we think today.

As crazy as all this may sound, take a look around at what is going on with leadership throughout the world. Validation can be found in other countries, they are much further ahead of us here in the US in regards to being open to understanding 3D and 5D, having a conversation on 3D and 5D ideas. Look at what is going on with the health or sustainability of traditional institutions, organizations, systems, service providers based on traditional or how we used to always do things… they are failing… some have used the phrase they are collapsing.

My hope is that as you were reading this post there was some part of you which was resonating with this information/insight as the skeptic or critic side of you was cringing and sounding warning signs.

In recent years, there has been a common question being asked that there has to be a better way. For leaders, one answer to that question is to gain understanding of 5D Leadership and how to apply 5D in your 3D world today.

Hoping you are having a GREAT day and be in the moment!


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