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It Is “ok” To Ask For Help

It Is “ok” To Ask For Help

How many times have you been going somewhere or doing something and you realize I am not sure if I am going in the right direction or doing this correctly, the thought comes into your mind to ask for help, but we DON’T ask for help, we forge ahead to figure it out on our own?  Well about a decade ago that would have been me.  But today, I have realized life is way to short and I will be one of the first people to ask for help.  When I look around me at those who are having the most success in their life, or those that are getting through life’s struggles with the least amount of negativity, I realize it is those who ask for help.

Saying this, there is a big difference between someone who is taking accountability for their life situation and asking for help to work through the situation, and someone whose way of thinking and doing is to NOT take accountability for their life and always asking for help as a mechanism of being dependent upon others, not learning their life lessons, trying to avoid or offload their issues, problems, or conflicts onto others so they don’t have to confront, deal, or figure it out for themselves.  Basically, they try to skate through life.

Reflecting upon our life’s journey, we are born into a physical world where our conscious mind makes the decisions.  The pride and ego is trying to control the conscious mind using fear.  Those who want to work from a power or greed perspective, capitalize and try to leverage the use of fear.  This is validated by looking at what is going on around us with the ideology or political wars going on at this time.  So with all this negative stuff going on, “how in the world” and more importantly “who” can I go to for help or advice?  Where can I go to get the best information and guidance for what is best for myself and those I care about?

The simple answer is “YOU”!

The “how in the world”, “who”, and “where” are what we call in Part 3 Universal TYIIR, your soul, your inner self.  We go outside, beyond, above, however you want to phrase it to tap into the universal energy inside yourself and in the environment around you.

When I ask people “why” they do not ask for help, the common answers are pride, ego, fear, lack of confidence or belief in themselves.  When I ask people “why” they to do not ask their soul, their inner self for help, the common answers are they do not know how, religious connotations or they simple did not think in this manner before.  This leads me to why I have published the TYIIR System©, providing live experiences, writing this article, making this post and more. 

The simple fact is that you were born with and have the best source of information and guidance for YOU and YOURS inside of you.  Yes, it is good we want to learn from others.  Following the common saying “two heads are better than one”, yes, we want to get other opinions and viewpoints.  However, before hearing what others have to say, start with seeking YOUR truth… what is best for YOU and YOURs by tapping into and listening to your soul, your inner self.

I believe in you.  I have confidence in you.  Empower yourself.  If you have questions, want to discuss, or have the conversation, please schedule some time under our “M3 On Demand TYIIR Service.”  I hope I have the opportunity to support you on your journey and look forward to hearing from you.

From John – This article was written from a TYIIR Part 3 – Universal perspective.  The corresponding “TYIIR Part 1 – Individual & Part 2 – Team” perspective article titled “It Is Ok To Ask For Help” can be found by clicking here.  Let the Transformation Journey begin!