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Do YOU have the Courage & Commitment (2Cs) to be YOU?

Do YOU have the Courage & Commitment (2Cs) to be YOU?

Do YOU have the Courage & Commitment to be YOU?

I ask this question because, this is what it is going to take for us as individuals to collectively turn things around.  How many of you are saying to yourself; “There has to be a better way?”  How many times a day do you or others find yourself saying; “The insanity is increasing,” or asking the question; “Where is the sanity in this insane world?”  Unfortunately, way, way too many times.


In order to turn things around, we have to look into that mirror as an individual and ask ourselves; “Do I have the amount of Courage and Commitment (the 2Cs) to successfully change?”

You may think; “Hang on John, what are you asking?  Change what?”

Looking at the world around us, from a “worldly” lens or perspective, we live in a physical world.  For something to be real, there must be tangible, scientific proof or evidence.  Science, physics, and man-made laws or governance rule the day.  Our decision making is done by the conscious side of our brains.  The conscious mind is driven by our ego and pride which primarily uses fear or fear-based thinking and chemically based emotions to drive our decision making.  Those in power or fighting for power over others, understand this all to well and use this to help further their agendas.  Speaking of those in power, what is your understanding or position on today’s ideology, political or woke wars going on? This is not only negatively impacting or tearing apart our country (the US) but other countries if not humanity itself.  We have wokeism, cancel culture, and many more negative forces at play discrediting or making it very hard to have “a conversation” and come together.

But is this the world we live in?

I ask because while most would say “yes,” my answer is actually “no.” 

What I just described is the environment around me.  My life, the world I choose to live in, is not based on the worldly perspective above.  The awesomeness of this is that YOU too, can choose the same.  I know many of YOU who have and are!  One recent example which comes to mind occurred last week when +2 MILLION PEOPLE came together in a live plus four (4) hour event.  They chose to take four (4) hours of time out of there very busy hectic life to invest in themselves.  This event was led by none other than the famous actor Mathew McConaughey.  The event was titled or called “Art of Living”    (https://artoflivinevent.com/roadtrip). 

From a TYIIR (Transforming Your Ideas Into Reality) and TYIIR System© perspective, I actually think of the “world” we live in as “part of a much larger or infinite Universe.”  Wherein “the Universe” is energy-based and we are connected together as one via energy. Meaning both tangible and intangible things like thoughts and ideas are created from energy, connected, and can affect one another.  I can understand if this sounds crazy, however, quantum science has proven that this is fact.  Quantum science is showing there is much more going on compared to what traditional science and physics teaches in the classroom.  So much more that if you listen to modern day quantum science Subject Matter Experts (SMEs), they will admit, we simple do not know the details around energy.  Yes, energy is the foundation, but the rest, we need to figure out.

From a Universal energy-based lens or perspective, we are all connected by this energy.  Another name for this energy is “collective energy” or “hive energy.”  In an energy-based world, the soul or subconscious portion of our mind is in charge.  The “Universal Laws of Energy” and “Universal Balance” are in control, not man or humans.  Our life on earth is about our soul learning its lessons while here on earth in our physical body.  Energy-based decision making is simply choosing “to follow” or “NOT to follow” our soul’s energy-based information and guidance.

So… “Do YOU have the amount of Courage and Commitment (the 2Cs) to successfully change?”

Just like in our work day life, so too in our personal life, does the success of the individual to change, evolve, and transform boils down to the 2Cs.  Specifically, “Does a person have the amount of Courage and Commitment (the 2Cs) required to successfully change!”

Having enough of the 2Cs to successfully change is not easy.  Especially in today’s world where it appears or seems like there is much more momentum or an increase towards the negative.  Let me ask; “When was the last time you turned on the news, talk show, or some source of information and they provided you the guidance and wisdom to trust in YOU (yourself)?”  How about; “When you have to make a decision, you are to trust in what your intuition tells you or what you feel with your gut?” 

If you could see my face, I have a big grin and smiling ear to ear because you will not hear that guidance from external information sources, from the physical worldly lens or perspective.  However, if you take the time to tune into YOU, and do follow your intuition and gut feelings, you will have the best information and guidance for your decision making.  Having the courage and commitment to not only listen and feel, but then make the decision from that information and guidance.  Especially when that information and guidance goes against the grain, is different or opposite with external sources or others are telling you or expecting of you.

For further information and insight into how to focus on you, put your ego and pride aside, or ask for help, please visit these two articles listed below:

How to focus on YOU  (https://tyiirinstitute.com/?p=748)

It Is “ok” To Ask For Help  (https://tyiirinstitute.com/?p=713)

Before I go, I would like to share one more thought with you regarding change and the 2Cs.  When you are evolving, adopting, and transforming to a Universal lens or perspective, thinking and doing from energy-based information and guidance from your inner self, your soul, you may also be experiencing what some call “Spiritual Awakening.”  So, let’s rephrase the question to be; “Do you have the amount of Courage and Commitment (the 2Cs) to successfully spiritually awaken?”

Reflecting on my working with others regarding their personal change or professional adoptions or transformations, we reach a point where they, in this case you, have to make the choice to “change” or “not to change,” adopt, or transform. 

My recommendation, is to take some quiet personal time to gaze into a mirror.  Gaze directly into the eyes of that “soul” looking back at you and ask; “Do YOU (I) have the amount of courage and commitment to successfully change?”

It is that simple, it is that hard to succeed in changing your life, changing the trajectory of your life to be on tract or aligned to your inner self, your soul, living life, navigating, and making your life decisions from energy-based information and guidance.  Once you say “yes” to that soul in the mirror, you got this, and there is no going back.  You will be forever changed!  From here on out, “trusting in YOU!” Providing yourself with the information and guidance which is best for YOU and YOURs.

Thank you for your time.  I hope that this is helpful and provides you the courage and confidence to have the courage and confidence to trust and follow YOU.  Living your life according to what is best for YOU and YOURs.  If you have questions, want to discuss, or have the conversation, please schedule some time under our “M3 On Demand TYIIR Service.”  I hope I have the opportunity to support you on your journey and look forward to hearing from you.

From John – This article was written from a TYIIR Part 3 – Universal perspective.  The corresponding “TYIIR Part 1 – Individual & Part 2 – Team” perspective article titled “The 2C’s Required for YOUR Agile, DevOps, DevSecOps Adoption & Transformation to Succeed” can be found by clicking here.  Let the Transformation Journey begin!