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Self-Realization is your Super Power

Self-Realization is your Super Power

If I were to ask; “What is the best source for guidance and information regarding YOU,” what would you say?

The answer I am seeking is YOU!  More specifically, your “inner self.”  To put a finer point on it, the guidance and information you get from the collective consciousness to your subconscious which is provided to your conscious self.


Next question, as the world around us undergoes significant change and evolution; “What do you think is the most important factor, moment, element…etc. for you to successfully evolve with the changing world?

The answer is the “self-realization” that YOU personally have to change, evolve, or transform.

Today’s reality is that the world we live in is going through significant change.  This is due to many things. Below are a few of the bigger items, in no particular order, creating a need for change:

  • Evolution from a static, predictable environment being led by transactional-based leaders to dynamic, unpredictable environment being led by transformational-based leaders  (As a reminder from my books, transactional and transformational leaders are like oil and water, they do not mix; they are opposing ways of leading due to their opposing value and belief sets).
  • Evolution of disrupting technologies and methodologies for how to think and do.
  • Increased understanding of “energy” and the role it plays in the world around us and our lives… “energy” is now the foundational resource or element for tangible (desk, stone, wall) and intangible (idea, intent, imagination) which makes up the environment around us.
  • Increased understanding of how “energy” and our “body” interact and operate together.
  • Evolution of our world from the 3rd to 4th to 5th dimensions.  This is a primary shift in how energy plays a part in our life, how guidance and information is provided.

The result is that the paradigms, processes, ways of thinking and doing for the past decades do not support today’s reality or our future ways of thinking and doing.  A key aspect to this is “energy” and how you view energy.  What are your beliefs in regards to energy?  Do you believe that energy should be incorporated into your personal and professional life? 

Taking all of this into consideration, we are left with a simple choice… we have to change, evolve, or transform, which brings me to the point of this article.  At some point in time, there is going to be that moment where the light bulb turns on, you will have an epiphany, and “self-realize” that “yes, I have to change.”  From that moment on it is “game on.” 

Regardless if you are a CEO of a major world leading organization, Entrepreneur of a cyber startup, or someone who is just living their life and things are getting a little wonky, we all are having to undergo a change.  A common feeling amongst many is that “there has to be a better way.”

The challenge is finding and then navigating the change.  What I like about the “self-realization” moment is that it establishes and sets your intent to change.  The moment of self-realization is like making a commitment to change.  You are now assessing your options, forming a plan, and starting to make changes in your life.  A commonality or key piece of the critical path from your current state to your future state will be energy; “What and how do I (you) incorporate energy into my (your) daily personal and professional life?”

One important aspect of changing is to be honest with yourself about how you are feeling as you are changing.  The act of self-realizing puts in place a self-guiding monitor for the amount and/or speed of change.  Using your intuition provides energy-based guidance and information from the best source possible, your inner self, which increases the effectiveness and ability to change.  This is why I highly recommend that you focus on your inner-self by consistently meditating as you change. 

I encourage people to communicate and collaborate about their self-realizations and subsequent changes.  Share what and how they are finding their methods are working or not working for themselves.  This builds confidence, forms ideas, provides further insights and understanding.  But please remember what works for one person may not work for another.  The information provided to by your inner self is specifically for you.

A best practice I would like to share is that when you have that “self-realization” moment, stop what you are doing, go to a quiet place and document it… journal.  Some may think of this as “automatic writing.”  For the next several minutes to tens of minutes, just let your mind go in a stream of consciousness and do not interrupt.  No matter how wild or crazy the thoughts and information are, just document it.  After your mind stops flowing is the time to go back to review and interject conscious thinking or ideas.  The hardest part of this exercise is to keep your logical or problem-solving side of your brain quiet and out of the way.  Do not interrupt the flow, the stream of consciousness, keep that pen writing as the thoughts are flowing.

My hope is that you value and savor your “self-realization” moment.  This is the start of the next segment of your life’s journey.  I like to think of it as passing through a growth doorway, and starting the next sequence of steps in becoming a better YOU!

Thank you for allowing me to take you on this short journey.  I hope that this is helpful and provides you a way to focus so that you can move forward in a direction, manner, or trajectory which is best for YOU and YOURs. If you have questions, want to discuss, or have the conversation, please schedule some time under our “M3 On Demand TYIIR Service.”  I hope I have the opportunity to support you on your journey and look forward to hearing from you.

From John – This article was written from a TYIIR Part 3 – Universal perspective.  The corresponding “TYIIR Part 1 – Individual & Part 2 – Team” perspective article titled “Self-Realization is the Key to Unlocking Transformation Success” can be found by clicking here.  Let the Transformation Journey begin!