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How to focus on YOU

How to focus on YOU

One of the most asked questions I receive is; “How are you able to be positive and move forward in today’s crazy insane world where the craziness and insanity seem to be doubling down and exponentially increasing?”  My answer is that I simply focus on what is best for me, my family, and those I care about.


Next comes the question; “How do you focus on what is best for you, your family, and those you care about?”  My answer to that is simply follow what is in my heart and mind whereby the primary information or guidance for navigating the environment or situation around me comes from within myself. 

I want to introduce you to a term, approach, or method I use in business; “flowing value to your customer at the Speed of Relevance (SoR)” which is defined, described, and shown how to be used in the corresponding article titled “How To Focus To Define Your Future State Vision, Value, Products, or Product lines.”  From a TYIIR Part 3 – Universal TYIIR context, “Flowing value to the customer” means flowing energy to yourself or to those whom you are energetically helping.  “Speed of Relevance (SoR)” means flowing the energy when or at the rate at which it is needed or you need it. 

So why do you think I am using this term, approach, or method?  Because it provides you the context in both your personal and professional life for how to FOCUS.  In my personal life, I use this focus for focusing on what is best for me, my family, and those I care about.  In my professional life, I use this focus for my role and responsibilities in supporting and leading and supporting my team, my organization, my customer, and those I work with.  Over many years, what I found to be true, is this term, approach, or method is the same, and works the same way in both my personal and professional life regardless of the situation.  What I mean by this is that as an individual, thinking for myself, being myself, I have come to realize that what is in my heart and mind is the foundation, the starting point for how to best think and do things.

When I refer to what is in my heart and mind, it is really a combination of things.  Here is the best way I have found to break this down and describe it, so please indulge me and let me take you on a quick quest. 

First, I want to set the proper context.  TYIIR Part 3 – Universal TYIIR is living life from the understanding that energy makes up the world around us. We are born with energy senses and skills which enable us to tap into this energy and work with it just like we do any physical tangible things in our life.  An example of this is when you had a thought about a friend and in short order you receive unforeseen or unsolicited communication from or information regarding the friend.  Another example is when you have the answer or just know something before someone tells you the news, asks you the question, or an event happens. 

Second, let us look closer at the heart and mind.  In school we are taught the heart and mind are organs and have a specific bodily functions.  However, there is much, much more going on here than we are taught in school.  To summarize, the heart has its own consciousness, works with energy of its own accord, and is considered the strongest energy source or energy chakra in your body.  The mind contains the pineal gland commonly called your “third eye,” has its own energy, contains the consciousness from which decisions are made, and is your gateway to your spirituality.  Another part of your body I have to make mention here is your stomach or digestive tract which is commonly called your second brain.  The stomach or digestive track has its own energy receptors and energy which feeds energy information to your brain.

Thirdly, when I say “what is in” your heart and mind, the “what is in” actually contains two (2) parts.  The first part is the energy-based information or energy being positive or negative within your heart and mind.  What I mean by positive or negate relates to Dr. David Hawkins Map of Consciousness where emotions of hate, vengeance, greed, lust are negative with low energy levels. Emotions of love and joy are positive with high energy levels. The higher the energy level you live your life by, make decisions by, the more you will “live life” and succeed in life.  The second part is how do you energetically feel or more importantly, what energy do you feel from your heart, what I like to call your “heart of hearts.”   Heart of hearts refers to what you energetically feel at the very center or epicenter of your heart.

Putting this all together, your body’s energy senses provide you energy information from what is going on in the environment around you.  Your brain is energetically connected to your inner self, your soul, the spiritual side of YOU.  The YOU I am referring to is the real YOU, YOUR SOUL which is here on earth living life in a human body to learn its life lessons.  I am NOT referring to the person you are trying to be to fit in with the crowd, to be popular, to be powerful, to be rich, to be liked by the perceived cool kids, the person you are trying to be which goes against who and what YOU truly are…etc.  As you are living life, experiencing life, your inner-self or subconscious is sending energy-based information and guidance to your conscious self.  This energy-based information and guidance is the best information you will receive from the best source which cares about you, what is best for you and yours.  As this energy-based information comes in, the rate or speed at which it comes to you is based upon “what is relevant” for that particular point in time, that moment, right here, right now.  This is why or where you may hear people talk to or reference “living in the now.” 

What I have described above is the sequence or experience of “flowing value to yourself at the Speed of Relevance (SoR).”

What I have found is that the ambiguous terms “flowing value to yourself” and “Speed of Relevance (SoR),” can have totally different meanings.  What I mean by this is that as a human living in this ego fear driven physical world, what we consciously think as “flowing value to ourselves” may be totally different, or even opposite than the universes, spiritual, or energy-based definition of “flowing value to ourselves.”  The result is conflict, and confusion which can lead to negative emotions like frustration, unhappiness, or even depression. The real question or realization is that all this “stuff” going on, positive or negative, is within you.  This is you and your conscious ego driven side trying to align or work with your subconscious universal energy of our soul’s purpose for why you are here on earth.  Realize, there is no one but YOU in this equation.  When it comes to “Speed of Relevance (SoR),” same dynamics come into play.  You may be thinking “now” is the time for something to happen or for you to get a piece of information.  However, from a universal energy perspective, that may not be true.  Universal laws and universal balance are in charge or in control of energy, and SoR means you will receive the energy-based information you need based on universal energy-based time, not our worldly human time.

Thank you for allowing me to take you on this quick quest.  I hope that this is helpful and provides you a way to focus so that you can move forward in a direction, manner, or trajectory which is best for YOU  and YOURs. If you have questions, want to discuss, or have the conversation, please schedule some time under our “M3 On Demand TYIIR Service.”  I hope I have the opportunity to support you on your journey and look forward to hearing from you.

From John – This article was written from a TYIIR Part 3 – Universal perspective.  The corresponding “TYIIR Part 1 – Individual & Part 2 – Team” perspective article titled “How To Focus To Define Your Future State Vision, Value, Products, or Product lines” can be found by clicking here.  Let the Transformation Journey begin!