Are YOU focused on the “what” or the “how”?
Do you think and operate in the “what” or the “how”? I have noticed in the past few months that this question is coming up more often and people are having an increased struggle as they wrestle with this question. You may be asking why does this question come up? Why would someone ask themselves this question? What is the significance? The reason why is that today’s world is changing and changing fast in the direction that people are finding comfort, value, and what they need in “how” they think and operate over “what” is being provided to them, or “what” they are providing to others.
When I ask people to reflect upon today’s world, the common response is that the earthy world around us seems like it is speeding up with changes, disruption, dysfunction and more. That there seems to be a conflict brewing and the way that I used to do things is not providing me what I need in today’s world. I agree. The conflict comes from culture conflicts, which has taken on many forms such as a battle of ideologies, generational differences, and power struggles. The reason why past ways of thinking and doing are not providing us the results of the past, is because of the rate and amount or volume of change occurring. Past ways of thinking and doing, cannot keep up.
In the past, we were able to focus on “what” we wanted to do, “what” we wanted to achieve, “what” we wanted to produce and so forth. Today, due to the world speeding up around us, we need to switch gears, switch our approach to the “how”. “How” can we do, “how” can we achieve, “how” can we produce and so forth. The reason why taking a “how” approach works better in today’s world is because you have the ability to take in new information, adjust to what is going on in real time, “pivot” is a common saying. Making a car analogy, your car’s shocks absorb bumps in the road providing a smoother ride. Now consider “thinking and working by the how” as your shock absorber for the bumps you run into on your journey called life.
Switching from what to how, is not easy because it means we have to switch out or evolve our value and beliefs. In the past transactional-based values, beliefs, and behavior provided results. Today it is transformational-based values, beliefs, and behaviors which provide the results. Why transformational-based values, beliefs, and behaviors are providing better results is because they are based on empowering yourself and others to make changes or adjustments as life events occur. There is flexibility in how you think and do. What compounds the challenge of changing gears, is that individuals, families, and organizations are all trying to figure this out at the same time. There is a lot of competing ideas for what is the best way forward. To make matters more confusing or complex, is the simple question; “Who or where can I get the best source of information or truth for what is best for me and mine?”
From a Keep It Simple (KIS) perspective, the simplest and easiest path forward is to start with and focus on YOU, specifically empowering yourself. From the books TYIIR, KIS, and the YOU Empowering YOU Experience, we have defined empowering to take on a transformational and energy-based value and belief set. Why? Because as the physical earthly world is changing from transactional to transformational, there is also the universal perspective regarding the energy in the environment around you, specifically the energy within the people around you.
As people are wrestling with the transactional-transformational evolution at the earthly worldly level, they are having to make energy decisions at the universal level, deciding to go towards or away from the light. Going back to our culture conflicts, ideology war and people battling for power, one of the best ways to understand or gain clarity is to use your energy skills to feel what direction these changes or decisions you make will take you. Who better to give you information and guidance than your inner self, your soul? No one.
From an energy perspective, we are going with the flow of energy around us as we live out our day. “Going with the flow” as I like to say aligns with, and supports “thinking and doing from the how.” In both views, your focusing on what is happening around you, taking in real-time changes or events, course correcting or adjusting, and then producing what is best for that moment at time, for that situation. By focusing on the “how” you are producing the “what”. The “what” is the output of “how” we think and do. One observation I would like to leave you with is that those around me who are getting more out of life, not struggling as hard as others, especially during a tragedy, are those who are thinking and doing from the “how” or “going with the flow” energetically. Remember, there is no right or wrong here, there is what works for you and yours.
So where do you begin? By simply meditating 15 minutes a day. It is that simple, it is that hard 🙂
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