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Yes… YOU can thoughtfully lead your GenAI initiatives

Yes… YOU can thoughtfully lead your GenAI initiatives

One of the responsibilities of a leader is to be open and explore ways to improve, be better, work smarter, and get more accomplished. Generative Artificial Intelligence (GenAI) provides leaders with the opportunity to do all of these and more. The opportunity can be realized by setting intent of where to apply GenAI. I recommend having discussions with your teammates and fellow leaders to learn their perspective. As a GenAI customer, one of the challenges and frustrations is the amount of conflicting and competing information for your attention. To dial down the noise and confusion, seek out someone who has created a similar solution to what your team thinks to be the path forward. Use the sales process as an opportunity to learn more by asking leading questions. Once you feel like you understand the path forward, ask one or two other experienced sources to provide feedback and validate.

How confident are you in your ability to lead a GenAI project, program, or initiative? You may be asking yourself; “What experience do I have leading GenAI? What do I even really know about GenAI?” and similar questions. Because GenAI is so new and rapidly evolving, it is hard to find those who truly do have the experience. Most people, including the providers of products and services are in the position of trying to figure it out, just like you, with the hope that they can figure it out ahead of you so they can take an expert position or posture. Now let me ask, have you led previous disruptive technology adoptions or transformations? Have you improved processes, improved productivity, provided a better quality of life by figuring out how to include a disruptive technology or methodology? Some examples of disruptive technology would be a computer, smartphone, Agile, and DevOps. All of these before mentioned disruptive technologies and methodologies were similarly thought of or treated like GenAI when they first came onto the scene. If you did it before, you can do it again, the adoption aspects are very similar.

What is the biggest, dominant, or initial reaction or feeling most people have when they are asked about or confronted with GenAI?

Fear… more specifically, fear of the unknown

Because GenAI is unknown, people’s imaginations take over with the common thought being, my job is going away because of AI/GenAI… I will lose my job. As a leader, specifically a thoughtful leader, this is where your ability to discern comes into play. Your leadership role enables you to position GenAI initiatives as being like other disruptive technologies your team or organization have adopted in the past.

Be transparent with your findings. Show clear intent regarding the information you recommend or provide and “why” to your teammates. Be genuine, authentic, share your concerns and skepticism about the unknowns. Provide pathways and forums where people can have their questions answered, mitigating people imagining.

Enable people to experiment with GenAI in controlled, safe environments. We have found that by enabling people to experiment on their own in a specified controlled environment, people gain insights, their fears disappear, and they begin to realize what and how GenAI may be of assistance… be of value. Gathering this feedback provides you as the leader and your GenAI initiative a jumpstart. You now have live, real-time feedback, lessons learned, and requirements from your people trying to figure out what GenAI can do for them in their situation… how cool is that? It is about as good as it gets for gaining understanding.

Reflecting on GenAI, I would like to ask a leading thought provoking question; “What does GenAI have to do with your evolution as a leader, more precisely an intuitive transformational leader (transcendent leader)?”

Referring to the transformation journey we are all on, the evolution of our world from 3D to 5D, the evolution of us becoming more aware and using energy in our lives, GenAI is an enabler for us to evolve to think and do at a higher-level consciousness and intelligence

GenAI is data-based. Meaning GenAI starts with a set of data, uses learning models, algorithms, and binary or non-human logic to process or reason existing data at a rate of speed far beyond our human abilities. This is the intelligence piece. 

Focusing on the learning models, specifically a human training GenAI using a learning model, the human is responsible to train in a moral ethical manner. In the book titled Transact, Transform, Transcend, Becoming a Thoughtful Leader: Stories from the Journey, my co-author Dr. Ken Russell and I included a term called epidata.

The thoughtful leader also routinely empathizes with their team — taking the time to lean in and share experiences, pay attention to the epidata swirling around everyone, and being aware of what is going on within the organization. (Page 16)

Epidata is another data source, the data a leader receives by using their informed gut from the surrounding environment while training GenAI.

A similar perspective is provided in the book titled KIS (Keep Intuition Simple) while describing how an intuitive transformational leader (transcendent leader) or person thinking and doing from a Universal TYIIR perspective uses their intuition (informed gut) to verify data.

Who better to validate or ensure the data and information used to make decisions, and determine what is best for a person and those they care for than themselves; their inner self? (Page 176)

These perspectives provide insight on how energy-based data can be used by a human to train GenAI. This is the consciousness piece.

So what do you think? Does GenAI help evolve us to think and do at a higher level of higher-level consciousness and intelligence? What does your informed gut or intuition tell you?

TYIIR Institute, LLC is confident in YOUR ability to lead GenAI initiatives. 

TYIIR Institute, LLC believes in YOU and YOUR ability to lead your GenAI initiatives. 

Thank you for allowing me to take you on this short journey.  I hope that this is helpful and provides you a way to focus so that you can move forward in a direction, manner, or trajectory which is best for YOU and YOURs. If you have questions, want to discuss, or have the conversation, please schedule some time by selecting the “15 Min FREE TYIIR Consultation”  I hope I have the opportunity to support you on your journey and look forward to hearing from you.

The correspond “TYIIR Part 1 – Individual & Part 2 – Team” perspective article titled “Will
YOU & YOUR team be successful with your GenAI Adoption?” can be found by clicking here.

The corresponding “mental and spiritual wellness” perspective article titled “Be
ready, GenAI may challenge your self-worth & wellness” can be found by clicking here


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