(603) 305-8545

Transformation Journey


The world as we know it is changing.  Most of what we know about the world and how to live is being challenged, and the rate of challenge and change is increasing.  This is why we are “seeing” and more importantly “feeling” a constant increase in the chaos, disruption, dysfunction, and collapse of traditional or transactional ways of thinking and doing. 

The modern or new way forward is to be “dynamic”, transformational and energy-based in how we think and do.  This is going to require everyone, every team, and every organization to change, evolve, transform.  There is no escaping, ignoring, shortcut, bypass, or silver bullet for change in our personal or professional lives. 


Each person, team, and organization is going to have to come to terms with the new reality that we need to be living more aligned or in harmony with one another, that the world is energy based…  how each of us is going to independently evolve our energy-based consciousness / intelligence…  that universal laws and universal balance which governs energy will be the primary governance we all will be guided by.

Along this journey we have come to realize one very simple and very important fact. YOU, the individual, is really what is important, and what today’s transformations are truly about. People are what make an organization. Each person has a heart, and it is the individual’s heart, specifically their believing in what we call their “heart of hearts” which is the heartbeat, life, or epicenter of a family’s, team’s, or organization’s transformation.

The question you need to ask yourself, your team, and your organization is; “Am I, are you, are we, ready to understand, believe, and work in accordance to this energy-based dynamic transformational way of thinking and doing at a level of higher consciousness / intelligence?”

Is this hard to do… Yes!

Do we believe you can do it… Absolutely Yes!

We hope we have the opportunity to serve you and help in with your transformation needs

Let the Transformation Journey begin!

Taking a Closer Look

Today we are in unprecedented extraordinary times in that every individual, organization, and government is going through a transformation.  Why?

  • The way we have been achieving results in life is evolving from Transactional-static- traditional to Transformational-dynamic-modern ways of thinking and doing
  • Older generations view work, wealth, and life purpose MUCH DIFFERENT than younger generations. On many topics they are opposite. These opposing mindsets (values and believes) are resulting in opposing behaviors. Today’s mindsets/behaviors will not support or sustain, traditional ways of thinking and doing (operating). Organization’s have to SIGNIFICANTLY EVOLVE if they want the modern mindsets/behaviors to support and sustain them into the future. More importantly, the leaders of these organizations are at a cross-roads; what got them to where they are at today will not be accepted or trusted moving forward… so how does a leader maintain “trust” when they have to significantly evolve themselves?
  • Evolution of technology is causing disruption at a rate and volume never seen before. It started with infrastructure, has moved into software (applications, turning everything possible into “__ as a service”…etc.), and now moving into data.  Each area is more disruptive, faster in its rate of disruption, and disrupts over a wider range of people, process, and tools across all industries and types of business
  • Evolution of the human species in that the younger generations are evolving to be more empathetic, have greater energy receptors, skills, senses, and built with energy as part of their life.  Younger generations can navigate and operate in the environment, tapping into energy-based information in ways older generations unable to do
  • Evolution in the understanding regarding energy is changing.  Energy is at the core or foundation of the world we live in.   Quantum science and neuroscience within the past two years is providing new found insight and realization that we and all living beings are connected to a common central energy source.  Intangible things like our thoughts, intent as well as the physical things like the keyboard I am using to type these letters is all energy-based
  • The culmination of the preceding bullet points results in that we have to change, evolve, transform how we think and do
    • Think = We are evolving what and how we “think,” into a higher level of energy-based consciousness / intelligence
    • Do = We are incorporating “energy”, meaning energy is one of the resources we now use when doing
  • The world itself is evolving from the 3rd to 4th to 5th dimension.  Due to the evolution and advancements in energy knowledge, we are experiencing the transition through different dimensions as energy is integrated into our cognitive way of thinking and doing.  This is increasing our consciousness / intelligence by elevating the use of our energy senses.  Most people are unaware that they were born with five (5) common energy senses called the 5 Clairs.  Fewer people know how to use or have confidence in their ability to use them.  However, everyone is fully capable and could be using them today.

Validation of this journey is found in what we are seeing, experiencing, and most importantly “feeling” or “beginning to wake up” to our feelings of what is going on today.  People and organizations are at various or different stages of 1) realizing what is happening and making sense of it all (the situation), and 2) their understanding, acceptance, development, and application or implementation of energy in their lives, thinking and doing at a higher level of energy-based consciousness / intelligence.

Another validation of this journey is in the rate, frequency, or volume of people who are having mental and spiritual issues.  The number of people prematurely ending their mortality, having emotional breakdowns, feeling stuck, feeling broken, and much more are increasing as the world changes, evolves, and transforms. 

One of the challenges we are all facing is that we are trying to fix, solve, or provide support to one another using institutional, traditional, transactional-based…etc. ways of thinking and doing.  Referring to a common Albert Einstein quote; “We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them.”

In order to provide the proper support and care, we need to think and do from this new transformational dynamic energy-based way.  The products, services, and support need to be energy-based, what some may think of as spiritual, so we are approaching the challenges from a new energy-based perspective and paradigm.  In addition, we understand that each person’s situation is unique and different.

To move forward, everyone and every organization will have to evolve or transform just to survive, let alone compete to be the leader of what they do.  When it comes to “being the leader,” as in individual, organization, or governing organization, you will have to think of leadership from a totally different perspective.  Being part of a network (networked leadership) of energy-based leaders requires a totally completely new set of values and beliefs.  If you are evolving from being a transactional leader, is it mostly a complete opposite set of values and beliefs.

Validation of this can be seen today as an entrenched transactional-based leader tries to maintain their power base while the world around them is evolving.  Transformational energy-based change agents, are showing the way forward, how to be transformational, and dynamic.  In most organizations, the transformational energy-based leaders are stymied, stalled, pushed back upon, blocked, ridiculed, and much more.  Today, it is not uncommon for the transformational dynamic energy-based leader to be dismissed, cancelled, or terminated.  Over time, as more transformational leaders achieve the seats of power, these negative cancel behaviors will reduce.  Ultimately, over time, a critical mass will be reached, and these negative cancel behaviors will be the exception.

You may be wondering why is there such a different or opposite set of values and beliefs?  To summarize, energy is guided by universal balance, universal law, not by man.  This means we as individuals and organizations are now operating by or utilizing energy-based thinking, process, tools…etc. which will be governed by universal law, universal balance, not man-made constructs, ideologies, or politics…etc.

This is why you, me, all of us are “feeling” the chaos, discomfort, disruption…  all of us as humanity are going through this struggle of change and transformation as the powers to be, the transactional-based epicenters of power are going through this shift or transformation.

So, what do we do?  How do we move forward?  How do we become unstuck?

The answer is to look inward, not external. Connect to the purest energy source which is inside of yourself.  This means you are going to have to awake, wake up, change, evolve so that your primary source of information and guidance is coming from what is in the epicenter of your heart.  Some researchers have found and call this “heart consciousness.”  TYIIR Institute, LLC calls this your “heart of hearts” which works with your intuition.  Your intuition is what flows, brings to you, the energy-based guidance and information from your sub-conscious mind. 

Up until now, at this very point in reading this article, your conscious side of your brain was in control making your decisions, and determining the trajectory of your life using ego and pride, driven by fear, guided by man-made ideology.

From this day forward my hope is that you now “self-realize” that you need to live your life by listening, thinking, and doing from your subconscious… that you evolve yourself to thinking and doing at a higher level of energy-based consciousness / intelligence.

This is the journey we are all on 🙂

Everybody’s journey is going to be different because of their life experiences, values, and beliefs.  There is no one size fits all.

Everybody’s “self-realization” or “ah-ha” moment will come at a different movement in time, or step in their journey, based on the strength of their current believe set, conviction of need to change, and simply have the the 2C’s, Courage and Commitment, to change?

Article from Intelligence Catalyst: 

The 2C’s Required for YOUR Agile, DevOps, DevSecOps Adoption & Transformation to Succeed

Article from TYIIR Institute, LLC:

Do YOU have the Courage & Commitment (2Cs) to be YOU?

One important piece of information is that our adoptions and transformations, to think and do dynamically, have been failing for over a decade and continue to fail.  TYIIR Institute, LLC has the proven path forward.  I hope that we can turn this trend around, and start being successful.

Do I believe you can evolve and transform to incorporate energy into your daily personal and professional life?   YES!

Will it be hard?  ABSOLUTELY YES!

This is how and why TYIIR Institute, LLC was created and the TYIIR System© came to be.  TYIIR Institute, LLC can provide you and your organization the blueprint for how to infuse energy into your life today so that you have a smoother more effective and efficient evolution or transformation to a higher intelligent YOU…. this means being the best YOU you can be!