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Evolving Our Ability to Think & Do @ a Higher Level of Consciousness

Evolving Our Ability to Think & Do @ a Higher Level of Consciousness

Looking at the world around us today, there are several disruptions from different directions occurring simultaneously: scientific validations of energy and its impact on us as humans, technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI), ideology changes away from DEI and wokeness, and political changes opposite of recent years are just a few that are top of mind. The net effect for individuals is in order to survive and do what is best for ourselves and those we care about, we must evolve our ability to think and do at a higher level of consciousness.

The pathway for an individual to evolve their ability to think and do at a higher level of consciousness is a combination of two things; 1) to live thoughtfully and 2) incorporate energy into both your personal and professional life.

An immersive way to personally experience what and how to live thoughtfully is by attending the live experience “LLIIVEE a thoughtful living experience”. During this live experience, you are provided the knowledge and insights for you to experience for yourself, in real time, the single commonality shared between successful individuals from around the world. Experiencing successful leaders led to the writing of the book “Transact, Transform, Transcend: Becoming a Thoughtful Leader: Stories from the Journey” which reveals the commonality of thoughtful leaders as thoughtful individuals: taking action to learn about energy and incorporating energy into their personal and professional lives.

Validation of these successful people comes from the breakthroughs currently being made in quantum sciences. Another source of validation comes from the work of Dr Joe Dispenza, who recently released the data of his work in a documentary titled “Source it’s within you”. The data from this work provides clarity and proof that energy is a foundational building block of our world—we are all connected.   

Why is it important for us as individuals to think and do at a higher level of consciousness? Looking ahead to the near future, according to the “Joe Rogan Experience #2281 – Elon Musk” podcast Elon Musk responded to questions at time mark 2 hours 17 minutes 49 seconds estimating that AI will become smarter than the smartest human by next year or the following year (2026, 2027) and smarter than all humans combined by 2029, 2030. The result is the world around us will be operating at a higher level of intelligence.

As an individual, the question becomes, how can I raise my ability to think and do at a higher level of consciousness?

The answer: Having the ability to become more conscious within your environment regardless of what is going on around you, having the ability to tap into your energy senses (5 clairs), and use your energy-based skills (intuition/informed gut, aka… gut feelings) to elevate your ability to discern. The ability to discern using the energy based information (epidata) from the environment around you at this higher level of consciousness is the pathway for you to be successful: to accomplish what is best for you and yours.

Thank you for allowing me to take you on this short journey. I hope this is helpful and provides you a way to focus so you can move forward in a direction, manner, or trajectory best for YOU and YOURs. If you have questions, want to discuss, or have the conversation, please schedule a 15 min FREE TYIIR Consultation.  I hope I have the opportunity to support you on your journey and look forward to hearing from you.


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