(603) 305-8545


About TYIIR Paintings

Do you need a focus point for your conscious mind so that you can more easily meditate?

Are you having a challenge calming your mind when you try to meditate?

Are you wondering what or how you can help your individual chakras?

Would you like to have an opportunity to achieving a deep state when you meditate?

Are you seeking the use of, or want to incorporate crystal energy in your energy healing?

The good news is that the answer to these questions can be achieved with the help of our TYIIR Tools, specifically the three (3) types of paintings; focus, chakra, and portal. The paintings are a result of a year long deep dive into Part 3 – Universal TYIIR. With meditation being one of the most important processes or tools in your energy tool box, and the common practice is to meditate daily, there was significant effort placed into searching for what and how to make meditation easier, more fulfilling and effective. After trying many different types or styles of paintings, this current rendition provided the best results.

Focus Paintings – Are paintings used to help you focus during meditations

Chakra Paintings – Are paintings used to charge a person’s chakra energy centers during their meditations

Portal Paintings – Are paintings used to help a person transcend to higher meditative states, traverse to different realms and dimensions.

If you are interested in purchasing a TYIIR painting please contactus@tyiirinstitute.com